serenity with nature’s canvas

98% of the time, I am a big fan of the background and the scene setting of the image than the subject or moment itself. All these images are from my archives where Nature’s Canvas was taking more importance than the subject.

Image(s) with sober colors, low contrasts and background not completely thrown out of focus; provokes the feel of calmness and sets the mood to nature’s pace. These subjects are typically ignored ones but without them the image might not have much meaning.

Most of the time, technical stuff like clarity, sharpness, etc are much much overrated in creating images…whats important is enjoying the presence and capturing what we like to be as memories.

All images are processed in photoscape (free tool) for below:

  1. Straightening
  2. Cropping and resize
  3. Auto Level
  4. Reduce Highlights and increase shadows