the case of nesting images

In nature photography, photographing birds while nesting is a highly debated topic. One school of thought says just ‘No’ and the other says ‘Be Responsible’. This is my independent view and I am no expert on birds and their behavior.

I have seen birds abandoning their eggs and chic once they feel their nest has been intruded. As a kid, I recollect putting back fallen eggs into the nest only to see them being thrown out again by the bird. The eggs/chic were getting abandoned. Even worse, they could abandon the nest too. The behavior may not be for all birds. However, Is it worth risking their life for the sake of photography?

I have seen common birds like pigeon nesting and hatching in many flower pots at home/garden/balcony. I guess they got too used to people.

On few occasions, I have photographed birds along with nest from a safe distance. The distance have ranged from 10 feet to 30 feet. The locations have been inside a national park where one is not allowed to drive off-road or walk close to the nest. Therefore, I assumed it is relatively safe for these birds. I am not sure whether I would have the courage to go close to the nest for reasons of photography.

Some of the recommendations I have gathered over time are:

  1. Be atleast 10 feet away from the nest. Therefore, never try with mobile/smart phones.
  2. Do not disclose the location. The biggest threat today to these sensitive birds are the ‘wannabee’ photographers who would get into any level of unethical nature photography for the purpose of ‘recognition’. (Google about ‘frog photography’ and one would get shocked and disgusted!)
  3. Do not post the photos in forums inviting the ‘wannabees’.
  4. Avoid using flash from close range. (However many birders use flash/strobes to freeze motion and also as fill flash, using flash extenders, while shooting from atleast 100 feet)
  5. Don’t ever put the birds/nest/eggs/chic at risk for a photograph.
  6. It’s fine to share this with friends and family so that they start appreciating nature’s beauty more.


The below were taken with 700mm lens from a distance of 15 to 20 feet.


These paradise fly catchers were building their nest as a team. There were no eggs/chics there in the nest. Not sure whether both of birds were female because males tend to have a long white tail.


The same in Slow Motion:

the war called conservation

I do not call myself as a pure conservationist but I do have the spirit to admire the beauty of creations. I would not hesitate to smash a mosquito and defend myself against a predator but I would always prefer tto leave them as they are with minimal intervention to what happens to them trusting the ecosystem that created them will take care of them. In nature everything is not a circle, straight line, ellipse or rectangle. Just because we do not know how to name them it does not mean they are shapeless. The truth is that they are just beyond our comprehension and nature has its own way of surviving.

I find it funny when people admire the china made fireworks but fail to make an attempt to admire the starry nights.

The western world has already wiped out more than 95% of their wild life. Fortunately, some of their Nature’s gift is still retained though it is left accessible only to those who could afford. In terms of wildlife, only Africa and India still has major percentage of them but many species are racing towards extinction due to human’s ignorance, negligence and in the name of greed.

Though I am no one in the whole scheme of things, I strongly believe Nature and Wildlife are true gifts to mankind and it belongs to all and none in particular. Those who are blessed with its bounty are lucky to live close enough to them and appreciate the marvel of the creations. To those who are far it is an effort even to the extent of spending the entire savings of lifetime. No one has the right to deprive another human from enjoying this gift.

It’s so depressing to see a system, created by mankind, making us be on the rat-race for living and savings, destroying nature and wildlife, eventually makes us spend more to experience them. What should have been everyone’s right suddenly has become luxury. To make it worse, the process continues in the name of development nourished with human greed. The people who have been living close to these areas are either being corrupted or being taken advantage to create the irreversible damage for short term gains in the name of poaching, hunting and development. Should we not be learning about co-existence from them?

The war called conservation is not the one that is fought with guns and pens. It’s not a war that is fought for one’s bread or survival but for the future generations. It’s not the one where group of people shouting slogans together. It’s not about feeding them for survival but leaving them unadulterated allowing them to live the way they are designed by nature.

  • It’s about loving nature, creations and the ecosystem on which these creations are depend upon.
  • It’s about making fellow humans understand its glory and making them carry the spirit.
  • It’s about raising awareness to authorities to align their policies towards conservation and balance the developmental areas.

Personally, if there is a political party that proposes that they would freeze all forests and marshlands from development, I would vote for them. Unfortunately, I have hardly heard of any such party. Should we raise awareness that there is a good vote bank for this?


Conservation Issues
Destruction of ecosystem
PC: Hardik Pala